Video marketing for business will let you quickly grab attention. You only have a few seconds,  so make them count.

Video Marketing for Business is an art. The beginning of your video is critical. To keep your prospects from skipping your ad and clicking away, you need to get their attention quickly. Also, start your ad with something that will spark your viewer’s interest.

Many video marketing ads will be viewed in offices where sound cannot be turned on, therefore the important words must be on the screen. Also, start your ad with great visuals to create interest.


Highlight Why Your Brand Offers a Solution.

Video marketing for business will allow you to emphasize what makes your company great at what it does. Begin by telling viewers why your brand is unique and different from others. Showcase your track record for success, for example. You can even include customer testimonials and positive feedback. The more you highlight the benefits of your company, the more effective your video ad will be.



Highlight Your Brand with Video Marketing

Timing Your Video Ad

Remember, you are not making a documentary. Most video ads online are 60 seconds or less. Keep this length in mind as you create the script for the video.

However, if you are using videos for brand promotion, longer videos can be effective, especially if you use whiteboard explainer videos. Also, if you’re telling a story about your brand that features a customer, a longer video would be ok.



Timing is Crucial in Your Video Marketing

Use a CTA, (Call to Action)

The goal of every ad is to encourage people to take some sort of action and your ad should be no different. The call to action can either be filmed or added through graphics and text.

Ideally, it’s best to include the CTA at the end of the video. For example, to show viewers how they can visit your website for more info, sign up for a discount, or purchase your products and services.

Use a Call To Action in Your Video

Solve a Problem – What problem is your business solving? How are you solving it? A good video ad will highlight a problem and as a result, show viewers how your brand will solve it.

Have a Script – You must have a well-defined plan before creating content, especially when it comes to video. Create a script for your video ad that includes the important items mentioned above. Get it reviewed by friends and family because feedback is extremely valuable for making the needed adjustments.

Solve a problem with video marketing

Get Creative – Viewers are used to seeing commercials online. Choose a unique style that allows your brand to promote itself while appealing to your target market. The more creative you get, the more your video will stand out from the competition.

With these tips in mind, you may just be ready to consider an online video ad. Don’t want to appear in front of a camera?  Don’t worry. Create every video from your photos and videos.

If you need some assistance, please contact us.