Animated Business Videos communicate quickly.

Why would you use animated business videos on your website?

The statistics are mind boggling.

Consider these basic facts:

1. According to Forrester Research it would take 1.8 million words to equal a one minute video. Even if you’ve never made a video before, I’ll bet you could do it faster than you could come up with another 1.8 million words.

2. Meanwhile Comscore found that 90% of online shoppers say they find video helpful in making buying decisions. The best marketers are using video to excite and enlighten visitors. Check out how Masterbuilt CEO uses over 100 videos to demonstrate his barbecue grills and smokers.

3. 80% of internet users recall watching a video ad during the past month and 46% of those took action after the ad, as reported by Digital Content Next. No, they didn’t all buy, but they took action. Maybe they signed up for an email, white paper, or more information. Half of the 46% did purchase something.

4. Again, according to Forrester Marketing, when marketers included a video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200%. We live in a video world so these statistics are easy to understand. The question, of course, is what actions will you take now that you know the statistics?

Here’s the bad news about online videos for your business.

Even if you have a video on your website or in your promotional email, you have 10 seconds to grab the viewer’s attention. This bad news comes to us from acuityads. Remember, don’t shoot the messenger.

Your odds are somewhat better if the viewer is watching on a mobile device, but the message is clear, you must do something to grab attention quick.

For that reason, even though we love all things video, we believe your best shot at getting your message across without losing your viewer is…….

Drum roll please…..

Animated Business Videos

If you’ve been watching any television recently you will see that the major advertisers are way ahead of us on this one. I’m sure you’ve seen the Geico Gecko.

Even tech stocks are using animated video on business TV networks.

As a wrap up we’ll share this for now. If you are not using online video marketing, especially with some animation in the mix, you can bet your competitors are creating one right now. Your competitors will be the ones who capture attention and profit. Isn’t it time to get started on yours?

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